Tuesday, April 15, 2003

New start, new house, new blog!

We've warmed the house so hopefully we'll get past the curse of March (Ceasar may have had something there!)

Took my first baby steps in gardening yesterday, theraputic my ass! All I did was dig up a few flower beds and I feel like I've run the flaming London Marathon. I ache everywhere!! And I never want to see another dandelion again. The rain is hammering down - probably washing my hard work into next doors garden.

I should explain my pedigree before I ramble on. I'm English but currently I live in Salt Lake City Utah, the mormon capital of the world. Our neighbours are also non-mormons which is a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, some of our best friends over here are mormon but they don't ram it down your throat - like trendy vicars or Ned Flanders you get the idea. My family back in UK is fairly religious I have an Uncle who is a retired vicar so I've had it up to here with any kind of religion. Besides all religions seem to do is start wars - you don't need to look any further than the current US/UK steamroller flattening Iraq as I'm typing. Wiping out their cultural history and letting the Universities be looted and the books and papers they couldn't carry burned (Hmm I remember reading about this in history lessons but it wasn't the US it was a housepainter with a silly moustache)

But CNN and Fox and MSNBC haven't said anything about this - you cry. Well they are not paid to step over the line - if you want a little more perspective, go to yellowtimes.org and don't believe everything you see on TV it is designed to assauge your guilt about the war - you don't see anything nasty so you believe it's all good clean war.

Anyhoo enough of the war. Time to address a completely diffferent subject.
Kids. I threw my husband a curveball the other night, it's something I've been thinking about for a while now and I wanted to sound him out. Needless to say he had no sleep that night but he didn't run screaming from the room either and as I'm pretty clueless about the whole baby thing I'll be doing some serious research during the next 4 weeks,which is when we decided what to do

I didn't just wake up one morning and think today I want to have children not at all. It's almost like there's a little bit of me, missing and I've just realised what it is. So watch this space.


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