Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Hurray! we actually managed to get the bins out in time today - last week we looked pretty silly - the green bin got missed cos we were in bed when the lorry came past (note to self - put the damned things out the day before!)

It's a beautiful day today but I haven't seen much of it, the only problem with this owning a house lark is that the rooms won't clean themselves. My friends back in England would die laughing if they could see me using a vacuum cleaner in anger. I used to joke that I had the housekeeping gene removed at birth, it seems to be making a comeback. Not that I'm doing it all at once, hour's work, hour's leisure time.

Interesting little connundrum I had this morning, my dad is a whiz at making bread and wine. I tried my hand at bread last year and the results were pretty damned good (thanks Delia Smith!) soooo I thought if the winemaking runs in the family why don't I give that a go?

Simple right, well not in Utah, I spent ages on the net trying to discover if I can actually make wine without a liquor license, and I haven't come up with a satisfactory answer yet.

These LDS types really don't like alcohol - sure you can get beer - but the way they water it down it doesn't really count. Apart from some of the local micro-breweries (Squatters) and private clubs the only way you can get wine or spirits is through a state liquor store - there is one about 8 blocks from here on Highland but it doesn't look very inviting. The font for state liquor store could be the same one they use for state penetentiary!!

Think I'll risk it - but if they raid us they are paying for the door!


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