Wednesday, August 09, 2006


As you might be able to tell I am not a happy bunny! Pissed off would be a better description!

It started out just fine, a simple -early- trip to the Doctor's office for this sore throat I've had for just over a week. Feels the same as the one I got at Xmas so all I was expecting was Robitussin on steroids. According to my Doc though there is no infection so she gave me a prescription for an allergy - nasal spray and some anti-inflamatories.

The trouble started when I got to Walgreens to fill the scrip, first-off, even though I showed my insurance card I paid in full for the medication, plus the fact that it took nearly an hour to fill the damn scrip - they told me twenty minutes. So I'm sat there playing Sudoku on my palm and there's a well-dressed middle-aged African couple sitting next to me. They were there when I arrived so god knows how long they had been waiting. The guy went up to the desk at least 3 times that I saw and each time they told him they were working on it. The last time he goes up they tell him that the insurance company won't allow them to fill the RX so the only way they can fill it is for him to pay cash. (Blatant extortion - thought I - keep 'em waiting long enough and he'll do anything to get the medication for his wife.) It turns out this was not the case as when the chap got his wallet out they discovered they didn't have enough of the medication for even one dose. So that would be incompetence then.

So basically I just wasted an entire morning!

Normally when Americans do customer service I can't fault it but this, well I shudder to say it but the whole episode made me miss the NHS!

Oh yeah the anti-inflamatories are 800mg - each! and it says to take 3 a day (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Needless to say I won't be finishing the course, no wonder people get stomach ulcers over here!


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