Thursday, February 15, 2007

Here we go again

Mission accomplished - I don't think so.

This morning after exercising I had the misfortune to tune to CNN and caught the miscreant in chief banging on about Afghanistan. Hang on a mo - I thought - didn't they sort those pesky Taliban out already - well apparently not. So let's recap. The US bombed the Afghans back to the stone age - but didn't defeat the Taliban. The US bombed the Iraqis back to the stone age - and still haven't sorted out the 'insurgents'. So El Busho's got the country up to it's neck in the quicksand that is the Middle East, you'd think that that would be enough for any rational sane president.

Er no. Now he and his bunch of corrupt cronies are trying to lead the country to believe that Iran is the maker of all these bombs that keep going off in Iraq. Honestly boys - even if you came to my front door and showed me a piece of bomb with "Made in Iran" stamped on it I still wouldn't believe you. Moral bankrupty doesn't even begin to describe your administration.

Yes Iran is a potential threat, but that potential is growing by the hour. Yes they're on their way to nuclear capability but you didn't nuke the Russians when they when nuclear or the UK for that matter.

With great power (Superpower in the USA's case) comes great responsibility. Bush is priming the people for another war. It will be interesting to see if the sheep mentality prevails or if people, notably the press keep up the pressure to end this madness.

My two pence worth.


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