Russia flexes it's muscles but does anyone notice?
Er No.
Several people back home have talked about the spate of fully loaded Russian bombers (ie carrying cruise missiles!) "escorted" from UK airspace so I decided to have a look. Turns out that Putin quietly reinstated the cold war practice back in May and the RAF's quick reaction force is getting quite a workout as a result. Now why wasn't that on CNN???
Being over here really does cloud your worldview. I know the Daily Telegraph is rabidly conservative (Torygraph anybody) but at least all the local and international stuff is in there - you just avoid the editorials. By coffeebreak my worldview would be updated and any stories I wanted to follow up on I could. It's the scattergun approach to news a little of everything. Here news is buried after about a week under the next layer of well - news.
Oh and I've got that Rockwell health screening thingy on Saturday morning. So nothing but water from 8pm, lovely:-(
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