Taking a break
Early Anniversary C and I are off to the Red Rock tomorrow. But first funny story.
I had to plug the numbers for the health screening into this huge questionaire thingy on Saturday and you know me and those things. I always manage to get something wrong and this time.....
Everything was going fine until it asked for my vitals, I weighed myself and to my delight I've lost 10lbs but then I measured my height and that's when it all went to hell. I can't blame the tape measure - it was operator error. So the next screen said was I planning on gaining weight in the next 6 months. I was so annoyed that I printed the screen so C could see and at the end my score was 93 - low risk but it kept banging on about weight management. It said I was under weight! But then it would because instead of 5 ft 8 I put 6 ft 4 (like I said operator error!) So next year when I've gone from 6.4 to 5.8 the damn thing'll tell me I have osteoporosis!
I never was that great at measuring stuff it seems I haven't improved with age:-)
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