Saturday, January 15, 2005

Skiing and Codes

Yesterday I skied all the way down from Solitude Nordic Centre to Solitude Village - it was a blue run, just over 1 kilometre long, moderately difficult and I didn't fall over once!!!!!!!!

My snow plough is now easy to get into and come out of aaaaannd when I completed a turn and found H waiting for me she commented that it looked "like you've been doing that all your life" Now H doesn't give out compliments lightly so I was pretty chuffed. We got the shuttle back up to the Nordic Centre and did about another 30 mins on the easy runs, then back to the house for a hot cup of tea.

Codes - When we lived in England I used to read the Daily Mail but mostly I did the puzzles in the coffee break section. When I was back in November I completed them each day and then I discovered on coming back here that the whole paper is available online so I signed up. It's great!! For the last week I've been doing my codeword and the new codenumber each day, it's really good to be able to keep my hand in and tweak my brain.


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