Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Back to normal - well what passes for normal around here!

So C went back to work yesterday. Having had him at home the whole week before the house did seem a little empty for a while - but I'm back in the swing of things now. I've learned I can't use the hoover while Dory is inside, it freaks her out, so as soon as she went out this morning, I rushed around hoovering everything in sight.

During our weekly phonecall this morning I told Mum all about her and she came and sat on my lap while we were talking and meowed - Mum heard her down the phone and it brought back memories of how Patch would sit on her lap and meow down the phone at me.

My week is shaping up pretty well - have done some computer work today, early coffee with J tomorrow morning - that will force me to have a walk back up to the house. Have phoned S but not sure if she's even in the country at the moment and hopefully skiing with H on Friday.

I'll post a quick pic of Dory after this entry.


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