I hate mobile phones!
I've come to a reluctant conclusion about most americans. They can't just stand still they have to be doing something which is no bad thing in itself but when you fill every waking minute of the day with something - well jeez no wonder they get so stressed out!
Yesterday afternoon I became heartily sick of mobile phones and the people using them. In the bank the guy behind me was having this "important" conversation at the top of his voice. Then to cap it all off in the bookstore queue the guy in front of me whips out his mobile phone to tell his screechy voiced female friend or whatever ( yes I could hear her whining on the other end of the phone) that he is standing in a queue in Barnes and Noble - ohhhh big deal. If I were her I'd have asked what the heck are you telling me this for?
In UK we've just about wrapped our heads around mobile phone ettiquette. We don't talk loudly on our phones in restaurants anymore - not since the chef deep-fried some chaps mobile phone a few years ago. If we have to use the phone we lower our voices or go somewhere where we won't subject our fellow human beings to a conversation they don't really want to listen to.
I don't know about you but I hate overhearing banal phone conversations. Now don't get me wrong I share a mobile phone with C and it is a useful tool but it seems to be a status symbol. ie "I'm important 'cos I'm talking on the phone - usually very loudly." Well get this - you are not important you are just bloody annoying! so do us all a favour and turn down the volume.
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