Monday, March 07, 2005

It was all going so well

Beware the eides of March - well actually beware March in general. It may be the month of my birth but in the last few years this month has caused it's fair share of trouble.

Layoffs are comming, we knew that but not just how bad. Even though C will keep his job (we think) the company won't be the same and it will be top heavy with managers. What is up with that? Didn't they ever hear the saying too many chiefs and not enough indians?

I can sympathize, when James' company was run into the ground by that tit Savage I wanted to do him (Savage) serious physical harm (and to think I spent sleepless nights wondering if I should invite him to our wedding!)

The following is an open message to Mr C Savage esq, as this is the week that I seem to be letting go of the past here goes. Carl old boy, you are the most arrogant son of a bitch it has been my misfortune to work for - you ruined a company that had stood for 25 years purely to get your filthy little hands on our client database. Call yourself an entrepreneur - ha! Richard Branson's an entreprenuer you are just an asset stripping shark. I quite happily tore up your commendation letters and then I burned them.

Anyway enough of that - ahhhhh I feel much better. Meanwhile - back in camp depression......C is blaming himself for something that he and the other employees had absolutely no control over. I'm being chipper but I'm not sure how long I can keep up the act - don't want to lose it in front of him. He's got to move on and look after himself not worry about the company. Even Dory knows somethings up and they say cats are daft.


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