Working Girl
Well, part-time anyway. This is my second week, but there's a difference, last week was the getting up to speed part and I had a safety net. Now J is in England.......
The people I'm sharing the office with are pretty cool and now I've got the PC working properly (god I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse it can be getting used to someone else's closed network) Poor Dory thinks I've deserted her, C is in Dullarse and we've just had the lawn done. Honestly there are times when I could kill him and last night was definitely one of those.
The guys came yesterday and did everything to the lawn included re-seeding it with a more drought tolerant species. They told me I'd have to water the lawn, they also told me that two of the sprinkler heads were busted and they'd be quite happy to replace them, so I consulted C and he said "No" he would do it himself. I think lawn guy thought that C would be doing it that evening, instead muggins was out there with the spray attachment on the hose, I doused the lawn, pretty well, I thought.
Cut to this morning when, while eating my breakfast I spied the lawn guy's truck parked out front, it pulled away a few minutes later. I had a ten o'clock meeting with S and was wearing the closest thing I now have to a suit. At 9.15 I got a call from lawn guy's head office. "He's just been and had a look and he thinks it looks a bit dry you know you have to water 3 times a day for the first month?" I nearly said, "So what are you - the lawn police??" but I managed to bite my tongue. I had to remove my suit and go out in my scruff and water the freakin' lawn - and again at lunchtime before going up to the office and I'll have to do it again tonight when the temp has done down and the sun is off the grass.
I arrived for my meet with S to find that a film crew, (don't ask me what movie they're making I have no idea) had annexed Starbucks, we had to sit inside although it was pretty funny watching some of the actors using the window to primp oh pur-lease!
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