Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Database is back up (hurrah!) and my friend is in Park City so I dashed down to the office and spent a couple of hours entering data. I also found out why the on-line timesheet is not accepting my password. Seems that with the cock-up from last week they froze my account (charming!) but fortunately the admin girl is pretty switched on and she has got me in on paper.

I'd only just got back when my student called and said she could do today but not tomorrow. So I dropped everything and headed up to her. She and her daughter came back with me and had a look at the house, and a drink (orange squash - I hid the coke as her daughter goes hyper when she has it) then I dropped them back at theirs - seems she's got another written driving test tomorrow and she seems to know the highway code pretty well now. I tested her on things like Schoolbuses and what to do at stop signs and she seems to be OK. I have my fingers crossed that this time she'll get more than 60%.


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