Thursday, May 01, 2003

The forecasters here are worse than UK!! Today was supposed to be rainy so I was going to do all my indoor stuff. It rained for what - half an hour - then the sun came out and I spent the morning in the garden. H is coming over this afternoon for a last hike before she flys back to UK.

Typical, I nipped up to Albertsons to get re-stocked as C comes home tomorrow and missed his phonecall. He left a message but I'm hoping he'll call back later.

Still sunny in the pm so I took myself back to the rose bush I spiked (according to those gardening tips burying a rotten banana near the roots give them a boost - all that potassium I guess) there is definite evidence of new growth. I clipped the dead heads and a few dead branches, aided and abetted by next door's curious Weimaraner, I spent over an hour doing that (!) Finally picked up my copy of Dreamwatch yesterday and read it over breakfast. That weblog excerpt was priceless. It's a show people - not real life - you can't control it - it is not yours. Hey I like Stargate too - but GET A LIFE!! (I'm really going to get my butt kicked for that by my Dutch friend.)

On a more mundane note that damn bed is still making things complicated. They can deliver between 11 and 5 so muggins has to be here all damn day! Plus C's flight will be in around 6, plus I won't know how to take it apart until I take the mattress off, Grrrr.

I'm off for a hike and some laughs.


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