Friday, September 26, 2003

This is ridiculous!! I mean I'm the the one who doesn't work and I simply haven't had time to get down here and blog.

Well I have been on the PC but not on the internet that much. I think I've finally licked Publisher and the acid test will be next week when I put my first newsletter together. No pressure - it only has to be to the printers by the 8th of October (gulp!!) That's what I get for deciding to go home for a couple of weeks:-)

And what else have I been doing that's eaten up my time. Well teaching for one, our lessons can be up to 3 hours long and range from how A's daughter is doing at her new school to a very tricky one for me, Christening, I know I was Christened but it was a long time ago, I know I probably screamed the place down, you would too if some strange bloke took you away from your parents and dumped cold water on your forehead. M's youngest, J was very vocal, darn near shattered my eardrums!!

What else, oh yeah, I made jam (OK mum, you really should've been sitting down before you started reading this!!) I'll just give you lot a moment for your collective jaws to hit the floor - now look it was sugar and fruit - how hard can that be. Actually our peach tree which we thought was next doors, gave us and T & R next door a shit -load of peaches. We gave then to all our friends and still had a bunch left over so what's a girl to do. It was pretty interesting to make - more like a science experiment than a recipe. The best thing though was that C pronounced it "awesome" I think I blushed. Oh and Mum - you'll get to try it yourself cos C has a jar packed in his hand luggage for tomorrow's flight. (Treat him gently - he's had a tough time). So it's just me next week - literally. T & H flew out to UK yesterday - I took them to the airport. S in still in Brazil. J is so busy she's cancelled on me 3 times now. B & L are still here but they live in Bountiful - the only way to get there is on the freeway. M & R are still in Florida, A & D are on their way back from Cuba. Oh Mum - test results abnormal (they tested for the dreaded C word) 2nd test normal.


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