Saturday, June 28, 2003

God I haven't had time to post for 2 Weeks!! How time flies when you are up to your eyes in work.

Yes work, mainly field trips but there have been the odd "take this protocol and work out from it what you are supposed to do" as not all the info is there - it can be a bit of a problem - especially if there is no-one else around who's done it before.

The other reason we have been so busy (sorry guys!!) is that tomorrow C's parents will be arriving from UK for about a fortnight. We are fitting in a trip to LV and then they will go on to Vancouver via Seattle. We've been tarting up the knob room (those of you who've been to Cassa de L will know what that means - those of you who haven 't get your minds out of the gutter!!) to be the main guest bedroom.

C has gone to Lowes to give back our "wonderful" flat hose - which has split. Don't believe the hype people - the fire service wouldn't touch these things - they get a zero rating on E-pinions.

Am so looking forward to this vacation - need a change of scenery. Will be blogging again in another 2 weeks or so.


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