Monday, September 08, 2008

Skiing on Concrete - why???????

I haven't posted here for ages but this is something that just made me wonder what is the point of it?

I'm talking about skiing on concrete. This morning doing my usual lap of the park there were a whole bunch of them - concrete skiers. God knows I love skiing but - hello - on snow. Skiing on concrete is dumb for a number of reasons.

1) It's going to hurt eventually.
I've fallen many times, forwards, backwards, sideways and as I'm flying through the air I know I'm in for a soft landing - so no tensing up. Were I stupid enough to ski on concrete I would know that sooner or later a spill would give me road rash if not a few broken bones.

2) You just look silly.
Well you do - all the other people exercising in the park don't look like they just stepped off the set of Gladiators.

3) Can you say 'sad sack' ?
Oh come on - how desperate are you for Winter that you can't enjoy the Summer by hiking or biking or running or anything but concrete skiing.

Another thing - this lot belong to the U - so why do they have to come down to SugarHouse when they've got a perfectly good athletics track they could be tooling around. I go to the park for exercise but also I go with the knowledge that I'm not going to have to dodge the traffic. That I can let my mind wander and not have to worry about being overtaken on the inside by some tosser on a pair of skis with wheels on the bottom.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


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