Friday, May 02, 2003

Today's theme is hurry up and wait. Let's go back to this morning shall we? Ever tried to wrestle a mattress across a room - solo? It's not easy in fact it's flipping heavy.

Imagine wrestling with a block of very large very heavy jelly. At one point I had hysterics - the idea popped into my head that the damned thing would fall on top of me and pin me to the floor. The bed base was a breeze in comparison. Next I discover that C's flight doesn't exist. He gave me the wrong number or Delta changed it. I beat flight-tracker into submission and it eventually told me that he's flying from Gatwick (oh he's going to love that!)

Didn't bother with my exercises today as so far I've run up and down the basement stairs about 20 times (2 stairs at a time - I might add) I got a call from him about 2'ish - the flight came in early but there is the mother of all thunderstorms parked over CVG and the flights are backing up - at last count he wasn't due in until well after 6. Bed guys arrived around 3 and they were done in 20 mins but I had the satisfaction of watching 2 guys twice my size have as much trouble with the mattress as I did.


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