Friday, May 23, 2003

I've got that Friday feeling again! There wasn't much to the week until Thursday - we drove down to St George, again. This time we were supposed to be collecting seeds, but there is no hurrying mother nature and so the plants' seeds still aren't ready. It was f***ing hot down there - nearly 108 in the afternoon.

We arrived at the Economy hotel which I booked (so I only had myself to blame if we had any probs with the room) and flopped. Wish I'd brought my swimming cossie - we were right next to the pool, the airco in the room worked, which is more than can be said for the system in the car and after a hearty meal of bread salami and cheese - washed down with the best white-beer I've had since Holland we both flaked out.

Alarm call was set for 7 this morning - it was a little late - we were out of the room by 7.15 and with coffee and a doughnut (now there's a healthy breakfast!!) we set off for the Indian Reservation. Their main street was a little small but we soon met up with the guys. I've never met a real indian before - they are cool guys! They can still speak their native language although their kids are losing the ability. Great sense of humour - and they like the English rock bands like the Rolling Stones so we were chatting about bands and a whole bunch of other stuff.

We found some plants here too - I got to go under a barbed wire fence - limbo stylie. Unfortunately their population is the same as the one we looked at yesterday (ie not ready) We drove back to SG - what a dump - so overdeveloped - the reason people come to the this town will soon be buried under tons of concrete. I prefer Keyenta - close to the reservation. All the development is monitored and blends into the background. Classy but expensive.

It took 4 hours to drive back and here I am - exhausted but pleased. We may not have got the seeds yet but we made some useful contacts and will be going back in a couple of weeks to try for the seeds again.


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