Monday, May 12, 2003

Well that was a weekend I don't want to go through again - ever

Some of it was fun - like the bikeride on Sunday morning - Sunday afternoon I would prefer to expunge from my memory. When I started this blog - my maternal instincts where surfacing and I was thinking maybe I'd like to have kids - and as we all know I raised the subject with hubbie (better to get these things out in the open) and we've been talking around it for about a month now.

I can tell when he really doesn't want to do something - his voice goes all flat - no expression whatsoever. It was perfectly clear to me that my own doubts are reflected by his. I was fairly sure that with the job situation and all the stress he's had heaped upon him these last 3 years that he'd be happy to not go ahead.

Sunday afternoon we were sitting outside and I told him I thought it would be a mistake for us to become parents and he totally flummoxed me by saying he wouldn't rule it out. This made all the doubts come up again plus the fact that I am at that time of the month where I can get a little brittle on the emotional front.

If I could I'd take a sledgehammer to this bloody biological clock - it's turned me into a gibbering idiot. The subject is now closed - I refuse to discuss it ever again.

Once I'd gotten myself under control we drove up to H's to water her plants. C found a neat way of draining the pool cover - a syphon.

The plan had been to go and try this Indian Restaurant that one of the guys at work has been raving about and much as I could've murdered a curry. I honestly didn't fancy going out. It being a Sunday they were closed so we ended up ordering a pizza and watching The Matrix on DVD.

Monday - Felt much better this morning even though my field-trip got cancelled. Landed another one about an hour later - same day to some place called Stansbury Island. The rest of the day I have been out in the garden sorting out the plants and mulching a couple of the beds to keep the water in. I'm absolutely knackered and I had to have a shower when I'd finished cos I was filthy:-(


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