Wednesday, May 14, 2003

OK Summer's here - today is hotter than yesterday!

I scored the car again today as C has taken the metal beast into work. I started my batch of bread and then drove up to H's to check on her plants. The pool-cover is completely drained thanks to C's bright idea. Did my watering duty and used H's ice-maker to freshen my camel-bac. I got to the bottom of the hill where I can turn right on red and just sat there - (doh!) Of course when the lights went green I went straight on - I was committed and I didn't want to look like a prat (although that doesn't seem to bother Utah drivers any) There was an absolute beaut this morning. The car in front of me cruised through the red light and parked right outside the bank (oldie) and just as the lights went green she pushed her door as far open as it would go causing me to decamp to the other lane - which fortunately had nothing in it. Amazing! Anyway back to the impromtu detour - it worked out pretty well cos I avoided those awful roadworks.

Back at home I finished the bread and shoved it in the oven. Went out and watered the strip of land between us and the neighbours as I was talking to R yesterday and he told me that he is having trouble with the people on the other side of him - so I thought I'd help them out with some of our rainwater.

Mr C came over last night - presented me with a pot-plant and had a long chat with C - nice chap.

I bought some seeds while I was out so I've sown them in the front window box - we'll see what develops. Tomorrow is my short(er) field-trip so will not be posting till Friday.


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