Dory goes to the vet.
This hasn't been a day I've been looking forward to. Taking a cat to the vet is never an easy task - they always seem to know that something is up. We used to have a holdall at Mum and Dad's house that was only used for vet visits. You only had to drag the thing into the hallway and the cats would vanish into thin air and I envisioned we'd have the same problems with Dory - well not to start with. Using bribery (ie fresh cooked chicken) we enticed her into the kitty carrier. Once we'd got the door locked she wouldn't stop crying and we both felt like complete bastards but it had to be done.
The car journey was actually the worst bit - once we got her to the vet she calmed down and even walked out onto the exam table. The vet says she's perfectly healthy and weights about 7 and a half pounds - which he reckons is about right. The shots - 4 of them were given without a even a whimper from Dory and then we loaded her back into the kitty cab - she obviously hates car journeys cos she whinged all the way home.
As soon as we let her out she shot behind the water heater but has since come out and gone in and out several times. C says nothing stressful today in fact he insisted that I don't do the hoovering - yay!