Friday, May 30, 2003

I ought to re-name this "The Friday Blog" - a few things of note happened this week. C nearly fried himself to a crisp over the weekend. A) cos he was in a hurry and B) cos he wasn't looking what he was doing.

We needed a ceiling fan in the living room and the only way to get it in was to drill a hole in the ceiling from the loft ( or attic as some people call it) I had visions of Frank Spencer crashing throught the ceiling in Some Mothers Do Ave Em but C managed to keep himself in the loft. What he didn't do was turn off the breaker to the whole house so the residual charge that was left in the cable sparked when he cut through it with pliers. Luckily he was standing on a wooden joist wearing rubber soled shoes so the current didn't try and earth through him. He did however blow the airconditioning breakers - but fixed that the next day. That was a hot night in more ways than one.

The rest of the week was pretty tame in comparison. We went to see the Matrix - presented in muffled mono rather than surround sound - good but I preferred the first one. I also didn't care for the bunch of pricks talking behind us either - hubbie turned around and told them to belt up or go outside - I could've kissed him!

Went hiking today, it's much cooler in the mountains and finally I got to talk to my friend in Holland on ICQ we had a lot of catching up to do.

This weekend should be fun - we've got a friend we haven't seen for months coming to stay and we're going to see the Italian Job tonight - the original has a lot to answer for, it started my love affair with Minis - I wanted a Mini Cooper and my parents (wisely) wouldn't let me have one. I did own a brand new Mini City for a while and I wouldn't mind buying a new one over here. I just hope that this film isn't a straight remake. "You're only sposed to blow the bloody doors off!"

Friday, May 23, 2003

I've got that Friday feeling again! There wasn't much to the week until Thursday - we drove down to St George, again. This time we were supposed to be collecting seeds, but there is no hurrying mother nature and so the plants' seeds still aren't ready. It was f***ing hot down there - nearly 108 in the afternoon.

We arrived at the Economy hotel which I booked (so I only had myself to blame if we had any probs with the room) and flopped. Wish I'd brought my swimming cossie - we were right next to the pool, the airco in the room worked, which is more than can be said for the system in the car and after a hearty meal of bread salami and cheese - washed down with the best white-beer I've had since Holland we both flaked out.

Alarm call was set for 7 this morning - it was a little late - we were out of the room by 7.15 and with coffee and a doughnut (now there's a healthy breakfast!!) we set off for the Indian Reservation. Their main street was a little small but we soon met up with the guys. I've never met a real indian before - they are cool guys! They can still speak their native language although their kids are losing the ability. Great sense of humour - and they like the English rock bands like the Rolling Stones so we were chatting about bands and a whole bunch of other stuff.

We found some plants here too - I got to go under a barbed wire fence - limbo stylie. Unfortunately their population is the same as the one we looked at yesterday (ie not ready) We drove back to SG - what a dump - so overdeveloped - the reason people come to the this town will soon be buried under tons of concrete. I prefer Keyenta - close to the reservation. All the development is monitored and blends into the background. Classy but expensive.

It took 4 hours to drive back and here I am - exhausted but pleased. We may not have got the seeds yet but we made some useful contacts and will be going back in a couple of weeks to try for the seeds again.

Friday, May 16, 2003

TGIF - where the heck did the week go? - Field trip was good we got a couple of good specimens. When we got back next door have bought a kitten - awww! he is so cute, kind of reminds me of Fred (one of the cats we had in UK) There was a cock-up with me getting paid (the online system still isn't working and by the time I'd figured that out the admin people had gone home.

Sat out on our front steps and watched the eclipse of the moon - the last time I did that was in UK - I was 17 and it was freezing cold outside. Mum kept shoving cups of hot coffee out of the cat flap. This time we had a telescope to watch it through - it was fantastic.

Had some great news today our Dutch friends have had another baby - a little boy this time so now they have one of each. I'm going to mention the B word again (Sorry guys - but there are so many curveballs flying around the place that you'd think we were in the world series!) We've kind of made a decision - leave it to nature just like our parents did ( yes we are going to incorporate a bit of fun into the proceedings) and if nature decideds NO then we won't have to worry about "seizing the moment"

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

OK Summer's here - today is hotter than yesterday!

I scored the car again today as C has taken the metal beast into work. I started my batch of bread and then drove up to H's to check on her plants. The pool-cover is completely drained thanks to C's bright idea. Did my watering duty and used H's ice-maker to freshen my camel-bac. I got to the bottom of the hill where I can turn right on red and just sat there - (doh!) Of course when the lights went green I went straight on - I was committed and I didn't want to look like a prat (although that doesn't seem to bother Utah drivers any) There was an absolute beaut this morning. The car in front of me cruised through the red light and parked right outside the bank (oldie) and just as the lights went green she pushed her door as far open as it would go causing me to decamp to the other lane - which fortunately had nothing in it. Amazing! Anyway back to the impromtu detour - it worked out pretty well cos I avoided those awful roadworks.

Back at home I finished the bread and shoved it in the oven. Went out and watered the strip of land between us and the neighbours as I was talking to R yesterday and he told me that he is having trouble with the people on the other side of him - so I thought I'd help them out with some of our rainwater.

Mr C came over last night - presented me with a pot-plant and had a long chat with C - nice chap.

I bought some seeds while I was out so I've sown them in the front window box - we'll see what develops. Tomorrow is my short(er) field-trip so will not be posting till Friday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

My weekly chat with Mum held a few surprises - after we eventually got to talk to one another. The line was playing up but we cut through that by getting C to call her from his office.

This is the last baby bit - promise. My brother and I weren't planned - she didn't even know about me until I shifted position and my brother made her sick (so nothing's changed there then) I guess I should feel insulted that my being here is an accident of nature but as Mum said you got married and took what came with the responsibility of having sex. My grandmother came from a family of 10!

Drove up to the office for my meeting with S, unfortunately we also needed M who wasn't in the building so I've listed the seeds I have to enter but until M show's me how he set the thing up I can't do anymore.

It's flipping hot out there - the extractor fan came on in the conservatory and nearly scared the bejesus out of me!! I stood up so fast I cracked my head on that damned chandelier ( it's not really a chandelier - well it is - oh you had to be there at the time to understand it)

I've just had a very entertaining conversation with a guy who works at the site we are going to next week. Normally I get an ansaphone and leave a message - but this guy actually picked up and it took a while for him to understand my accent. I've arranged to call him on Monday after I've spoken to S so we can tell him what time we'll be there. That's it - the fridge is calling - watered down beer here I come.

Monday, May 12, 2003

Well that was a weekend I don't want to go through again - ever

Some of it was fun - like the bikeride on Sunday morning - Sunday afternoon I would prefer to expunge from my memory. When I started this blog - my maternal instincts where surfacing and I was thinking maybe I'd like to have kids - and as we all know I raised the subject with hubbie (better to get these things out in the open) and we've been talking around it for about a month now.

I can tell when he really doesn't want to do something - his voice goes all flat - no expression whatsoever. It was perfectly clear to me that my own doubts are reflected by his. I was fairly sure that with the job situation and all the stress he's had heaped upon him these last 3 years that he'd be happy to not go ahead.

Sunday afternoon we were sitting outside and I told him I thought it would be a mistake for us to become parents and he totally flummoxed me by saying he wouldn't rule it out. This made all the doubts come up again plus the fact that I am at that time of the month where I can get a little brittle on the emotional front.

If I could I'd take a sledgehammer to this bloody biological clock - it's turned me into a gibbering idiot. The subject is now closed - I refuse to discuss it ever again.

Once I'd gotten myself under control we drove up to H's to water her plants. C found a neat way of draining the pool cover - a syphon.

The plan had been to go and try this Indian Restaurant that one of the guys at work has been raving about and much as I could've murdered a curry. I honestly didn't fancy going out. It being a Sunday they were closed so we ended up ordering a pizza and watching The Matrix on DVD.

Monday - Felt much better this morning even though my field-trip got cancelled. Landed another one about an hour later - same day to some place called Stansbury Island. The rest of the day I have been out in the garden sorting out the plants and mulching a couple of the beds to keep the water in. I'm absolutely knackered and I had to have a shower when I'd finished cos I was filthy:-(

Friday, May 09, 2003

Morning peasants. Thurdsday is a blur - for someone who doesn't work (not by choice - economy in toilet - your country -remember that) I did a full day yesterday. It started with the gutter guys - C arranged they will be coming on the 20th there was a groan from yours truly as I was having my hair done that day but not any more.

Watering those seedlings took over half an hour -there are a lot of them! (and they are all growing - yay!) Nipped out to the shops but was back in time for 11 when the window guy was supposed to be coming. Also realised a little late that he would need to get at the window so -you've guessed it - more bedroom furniture shifting - he was late almost an hour late. My plan had been to go up to H's in the morning and then on to my student (best laid plans - gone to hell) He left at 1 and I phoned A my student and told her I'd be right there. My tardiness made me go up 13th East the other way which I've never done before and it didn't feel too bad plus I didn't accidently get funnelled onto the freeway, that would have been BAD. Spent nearly 2 hours with her - she's upset because her sister is getting married and they can't afford to go back to Bangladesh for the wedding.

Drove up to H's got there about 3.30 and spent a good hour and a half bailing their swimming pool cover, (at least the ducks haven't come back) I used the water to water the plants at the front. Locked up and headed back - meant to do some research but fell asleep on the sofa until 5.15 when I had to go and fetch C from work.

Today has been a little better we had a big branch down in the garden due to the high winds last night so I broke that into pieces (it was rotten and pretty easy to snap) Have finally got my research done as we have another field trip next week and I need to know what plants I am supposed to be looking for. Also have ICQ on as I haven't spoken to best friend for ages but she's not on-line so far.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Plenty of exercise this morning. I did my pilates routine and then walked down town. It only takes 20 minutes to get there and I needed the fresh air. It was spotting on the way down and by the time I got to the bank it was pouring but I had my trusty brolley so no probs.

The bank was a new experience - normally I only use an ATM cos I'm taking money out but I got another cheque from RBG (supplies which I bought for a meeting nearly 2 months ago!) In UK all you have to do is pass over the cheque and your card and the computer fills out the form - all you do is sign it. Not here! It still amazes me that a country supposedly so technologically superior can be so backward in some parts.

Posted C's parcel and headed to the bus-stop (yes I know I walked down but it's usually on the way back that I get ambushed by missionaries.) Bus was late and then two came at once - first one had a couple of people in wheelchairs and the ramps take ages to come down so me, the hawiian guy and the swedish girl went back into the shelter till they were done. The driver was so flustered he forgot to ask us for the fare and we forgot to pay him (so that's even)

I've got a little job to do for H while she's away - water her seedlings. They seem to be doing OK and wonder of wonders my Venus Fly Trap appears to be growing (it's green stuff on the top of the pot - could be mould for all I know) The deal is that I take care of the plants and she brings me back a bar of Galaxy chocolate. It was an offer I couldn't refuse.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Well that was a nice "relaxing" couple of days. I'm kidding of course. Among the lowlights was the hunt for a new pair of jeans.

About 2 weeks ago, hubby pointed out that my rear seam was going (not bad I've had these jeans about 3 years) it wasn't an arrestable offence yet. I was ticked because these particular jeans are from M&S in England and fit like a glove. "Don't worry" says C, "I'll have a look while I'm in England." He couldn't understand why I fell off the sofa I was laughing so much. Thing is that M&S don't keep the same style for more than 2 years before retiring it. He hadn't got a hope in hell of buying any more but I didn't want to burst his bubble.

Of course he couldn't find any, though brownie points to him for looking. So among our errands was buy Paula a new pair of jeans and we arrived at my favourite shop Express to find to my disgust that they only stocked jeans for stick insects, now I'm not fat. I'm a very trim size 9/10 but they only had 1/2 - for pete's sake - the average american woman doesn't take a size 1/2 she's far more likely to take an normal size like 11/12.

We ended up at JC Penny and they do Levi 515 in size 10 which are so good I bought an extra pair.

I couldn't face a computer yestersday evening as I spent the whole day on one (8 hours with an hour for lunch) I did get the whole database thing licked though but my eyes didn't thank me for abusing them.

We had the plumber in this morning before C went to work. He changed a couple of valves I think. Had a long chat with my Mum this morning about not much, we just chatted. Patch my cat was sitting on Mum's lap purring loudly down the phone. This afternoon has been a mixture of housework (yuck!) and the War on Dandelions where I used a weapon of mass destruction (weedkiller). Wonder if I should go and do next door without asking - nah they might think I was the US President!

Friday, May 02, 2003

Today's theme is hurry up and wait. Let's go back to this morning shall we? Ever tried to wrestle a mattress across a room - solo? It's not easy in fact it's flipping heavy.

Imagine wrestling with a block of very large very heavy jelly. At one point I had hysterics - the idea popped into my head that the damned thing would fall on top of me and pin me to the floor. The bed base was a breeze in comparison. Next I discover that C's flight doesn't exist. He gave me the wrong number or Delta changed it. I beat flight-tracker into submission and it eventually told me that he's flying from Gatwick (oh he's going to love that!)

Didn't bother with my exercises today as so far I've run up and down the basement stairs about 20 times (2 stairs at a time - I might add) I got a call from him about 2'ish - the flight came in early but there is the mother of all thunderstorms parked over CVG and the flights are backing up - at last count he wasn't due in until well after 6. Bed guys arrived around 3 and they were done in 20 mins but I had the satisfaction of watching 2 guys twice my size have as much trouble with the mattress as I did.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

The forecasters here are worse than UK!! Today was supposed to be rainy so I was going to do all my indoor stuff. It rained for what - half an hour - then the sun came out and I spent the morning in the garden. H is coming over this afternoon for a last hike before she flys back to UK.

Typical, I nipped up to Albertsons to get re-stocked as C comes home tomorrow and missed his phonecall. He left a message but I'm hoping he'll call back later.

Still sunny in the pm so I took myself back to the rose bush I spiked (according to those gardening tips burying a rotten banana near the roots give them a boost - all that potassium I guess) there is definite evidence of new growth. I clipped the dead heads and a few dead branches, aided and abetted by next door's curious Weimaraner, I spent over an hour doing that (!) Finally picked up my copy of Dreamwatch yesterday and read it over breakfast. That weblog excerpt was priceless. It's a show people - not real life - you can't control it - it is not yours. Hey I like Stargate too - but GET A LIFE!! (I'm really going to get my butt kicked for that by my Dutch friend.)

On a more mundane note that damn bed is still making things complicated. They can deliver between 11 and 5 so muggins has to be here all damn day! Plus C's flight will be in around 6, plus I won't know how to take it apart until I take the mattress off, Grrrr.

I'm off for a hike and some laughs.