Monday, March 20, 2006

C's Bruised Rib & Piano Recitals

C has been skiing for nearly seven weeks now and H told me he would have good days and bad well they've mostly been good but yesterday his luck didn't hold - well it did sort of. He's gone from green (easy peasy) runs to blue which are slightly steeper, he was doing a turn when he skied over something - possibly a buried ski pole and lost control - did the "everything must go" move which entails throwing poles and skis to the four winds and went head over heels a couple of times. It was at this point that he somehow stabbed himself in the thigh with a ski pole but that wasn't the problem, the damn cellphone, which was in his top pocket collided with a rib and badly bruised it. He reported the incident to the ski patrol but someone else hit the same thing and they ended up having to be stretchered off the mountain. C is going to see the doc today and get x-rayed.

Also last night we went to a piano recital up at C and A's and A got me a seat close enough to J that I could watch her hands - wow! Talk about mesmerizing! They were moving so fast that they seemed to blur The music, Bach, Beethoven and - after a short intermission - Chopin, was fantastic. It gets inside of you, sweeps you up, resonates within you. I was blown away. What I can't beleive is that the main recital - which is next week, and the culmination of J's musical degree only counts as one hour of credit for the whole course!!!

Afterwards we had some of C's killer desserts and my C (confused - you soon will be) asked J if the Bach was written for harpsicord and she told him it was - it's gratifying to know that there are still some things I don't know about him - harpsicord expert - who knew?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Las Vegas and "Sean"

Back from LV, we had a good time and for once I actually won some money!!! Hey it was only 40 bucks but it is nice to walk away ahead of the house for once. It could actually have been a lot more - note to self look at the colour of the light on top of the machine red is 5c blue is $1 - dumbass!!! The really annoying thing is that I got a bonus line on a slot machine but I only bet 1 credit so it didn't pay out - max bet was 2 credits and if I'd done that it would've paid out $500.

We rode the new monorail, you guys in UK would feel right at home the ticket system appears to have been designed by British Rail - ie the machines don't work very well. It was easier to ride that than beat the time share touts off with a stick.

We checked out the Wynn hotel and casino - my god that man has some money. He's built a mountain - I kid you not - in front of the hotel, from the strip all you can see is trees but from the private lagoon on the other side you can't hear the strip just the waterfall, you could be in the Bahamas or Maurituis it's fan-tas-tic.

On a much darker note, those of you who know me well know how much of an impact my history teacher made on me - how his demonstrations and ability to bring subject matter to life still stick with me today. Last week an american history teacher likened the head of the current regime in the US to a certain housepainter with an excuse for a mustache and in his class was 'sean' who felt it was his duty to report the teacher to the proper authorities. Sean mate - if you ever get your head out of the principal's arse you should go google (well who reads books anymore) a five letter word "stasi" and read about how they operated. They were in business pretty much until the wall between East and West Germany came down. Their MO was insidious to say the least, they controlled every aspect of the East German people's lives, it wasn't uncommon to have family members informing on each other, you couldn't trust anyone. My teacher (Mr C) was an inspiration to me and you - you sad sack have no world view you believe what you are told and you will get the world you deserve but you'll be too stupid to notice it happening. Moron!