Thursday, July 27, 2006

Insult meet Injury!

Living in England for many years I got used to a load of bureaucratic nonsense - the country runs on it. If you sacked all the bureaucrats over half the country would be un-employed, but I have to say that SLC have taken the art to a whole new level. It's taken me a while to simmer down and keep the swear words out of this post - here goes.

Last week, on Monday night to be precise I came home from work to find our friendly plumber standing in a hole where our water-meter goes. C had heard rushing water noises, gone to investigate and found the water-meter submerged - not good! So he called R and he came straight away and between them they dug this dirty great hole and found that the new meter had been installed incorrectly and was leaking. So we spent the night with the water turned off.

In the morning R told me that the city would grudgingly come and fix the problem and they turned up 30 minutes before I was due to leave for my shift. I gave them C's office number and told them to let him know when the water could be turned back on so that we could check it really was fixed. At 2.30 as I left they were gone and R was back checking their work. He said they had finished and I went off to work and left a message for C on our ansaphone telling him he could turn the water on.

This next bit comes from C. The city phoned him up and basically told him "good luck with filling in the hole" Now all they did was come and fix the problem, they didn't have to dig the hole or shut off the water but because they didn't dig it,they didn't have to fill it !

Oh yeah and I almost forget the humungus water bill that we had to pay - so this is what we pay our taxes for is it? For the city to shirk it's responsibilites and make us do all the work. Shame that the city departments don't have to be rated by the consumers they serve:-(

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Job

This is pretty cool, my new job is in a bookstore, an independent bookstore - none of your big-box crap here thankyou! I've been doing this for over a week now and I am having so much fun it's criminal! The staff are all great, our customers are too.

Of course working means having to drop my part time job but it wasn't that difficult. It's never been the same since the poem fiasco and my heart wasn't really in it anymore, maybe it never was..................................