Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I'm a bit down in the dumps today. Yesterday was the interview and I dressed as smartly as I now can (see that's the thing when you stop working - you have no work clothes!) which meant black trousers and a decent shirt. It was flipping hot here yesterday - going to be even hotter today - not the time to be wandering around in anything black!!!

Anyhoo, the interview itself was only 15 minutes, the rest of the time was taken up with a battery of tests and bunch of forms to fill in. When I left they didn't even ask for my CV:-( Now don't get me wrong they were very nice people but................................

Friday, May 12, 2006

Holy crap - how did that happen???????

I appear to have accidentally landed myself an interview with this agency I've been looking at!

I started filling out their on-line form but thought that you had to complete the thing before they would look at it. Simple enough, the first thing you do after registering is to pick a day you can be available for interview - so I picked Monday 15th as it was the latest day they had. Then I got distracted by work and so saved and logged off.

When I got back from J's the next day, there was a message on the ansaphone - they wanted me in at 1.30 on Monday!!! Arrrgh!

So Monday it is. C will be spending the day here as that's the day that the main line from the house is being changed - fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.

Oh and S and I met this week about my manuscript that she's looking over for me. I have to say I was pretty nervous 'cos I'd taken the story in a totally different direction but she loved it! She wants me to do a consultation at the conference in June - if there's space. So I've spent the last couple of days going over my 20 pages of double spaced text and over and over. Problem is we never really did punctuation at school - the emphasis was more on Lit than Lang and when we wrote creative pieces as long as it started with a capital letter and finished with a full stop and you put the dialogue in quotes, you wouldn't lose marks for crappy punctuation. I had semi-colons and commas chasing me around in my dreams last night - that's how seriously I'm taking this!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rubbish in the round - and re-jigging my CV - and M's getting married!

Spring cleanup is here and to be perfectly honest I will be soooo happy to see that pile of rubbish outside our house gone!! C thinks that anyone digging in other people's rubbish has no class etc but I've been defending them for the last week or so - until today. Some dumb idiot went through the box last night by ripping the thing apart and dumping the contents on our grass. It's been put out on the kerb for a reason - because it's crap and no use to anyone. Some saddo came by this morning and took the snowman - which someone else dumped on our pile and I mistook for a garden gnome - she's welcome to it!

It's like when we were at school and L gave all her "unfashionable" clothes to the jumble sale and that weird girl with the funny glasses must've bought the lot - whatever happened to her??

What next?? Oh yeah re-jigging my CV. We had a quote for some plumbing work last week - well 2 quotes and the first one wanted north of $15,000 to do the job. C did his nut - and promptly told me to get a job. Now I was a little put out by this - and that's putting it mildly - I've been making noises about dumping this part-time gig and getting myself a proper job for the last couple of months or so and all of a sudden I'm a lazy bi-atch. Anyway I've been and made my CV more dynamic so when the electrics/plumbing are complete I'll be heading for a temp agency. BTW the second quote was within reason and plumbers are coming on Thursday and Friday this week.

Oh and last but by no means least - M's getting married - all I can say is yay!! it's about time. As far as I know we will be going as they are getting hitched in (well just outside of) Las Vegas. So now I have to go and buy a wedding outfit that I won't melt in!!