Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Evil I-Tunes!!


That is the sound my bank account is currently making. I have tons of music - a lot of it still on CD and mp3 but with so much space on my Ipod I went to town and put everything on there. Still there are some things I was missing so I went on to the I-tunes store and had a look. They don't have everything I was looking for - hello One Step Beyond by Madness - not available in the US - why???? It's on the English site but guess what you can't buy it from over here - sad!

But they had enough for me to want to set up an account. I didn't go too bonkers but I did buy 6 or 7 - no more than 7 tracks.

So now I have an I-Tunes account and I've bought songs - it'll be albums next!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Self Service Tills

I know this might sound like a well-boring subject but I'm still annoyed nearly a day later.

They should put a sign up that says only use if you have a basket and you are not stupid!! Nuff said! I was gone so long that C nearly came looking for me. What should've taken 2 minutes took nearly 20. People, don't put your weekly shop through what is basically a giant scale and when she leant on it and it said "unidentified item in bagging area" it was all I could do not to fall about laughing!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Extremely early B'day Pressie

A Brand Spanking New Computer!!!!!! yay!!!! I'm so excited I even cleared my desk.:-)

Do you know what really ticks me off?

Sit down and make yourselves comfortable this could take a while.

OK, as you know I have a wishlist and if I spot something interesting on-line I can add it whether it's a new ski jacket or an album I've been after well you get the picture. Before Xmas I beefed up the list and one of the things I put on it was a memory stick your wear like a wrist band - it was the item that said not in yellow means DNR. Really clever idea and it stops you looking like a football referee about to blow the whistle. Honestly, I wouldn't be without my memory stick now but discretion is a good thing. HGTV mentioned this little gem and I book-marked their page so that after Xmas I could buy myself one if nobody else had and nobody did (hey I got an IPod I'm not complaining!) and I'm begining to see why.

Doing research as in my old job takes a lot of patience you have to dig and dig for days and maybe find nothing. The HGTV site links to another site which although it lists the wrist band memory sticks doesn't have a buy button so I e-mailed the company got this daft message back which didn't get me any closer to a purchase. So finally I got fed up and googled the things and Imation do them - for less money - (black and blue are the only colours they come in but black is fine) so I'm buying one from them. Suck on that HGTV and unilition.com.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Xmas Pressie

This year I got the bestest pressie ever, ever, ever. A sleek, sexy black Ipod nanno. 8 Gigabytes. All my old CD's crammed onto a device smaller and lighter than the average cigarette packet - I had an old Ipod which was cuttinge edge at the time but it was the size of a small housebrick and the people at the Apple store were very happy to recycle it for me.

On a darker note don't every ask me to look after any of your sundry pets I was looking after a goldfish for a friend who went away over Christmas and guess what - yep dead. I mean a goldfish - for god's sake.

Happy New Year!


We saw the New Year in complete with first-footing and fireworks (not ours and did they frighten the cat!) I usually try and come up with a couple of resolutions - last year I didn't bother because rules are made to be broken - right?

But this year I'm going to make a few.

First I am going to get my writing into high gear, with luck I can get my manuscript finished by the end of this year.

Second - I'm not going to waste time on things I don't enjoy - Life's too short!!!!!!!

And third - I am going to walk in the park every day to make up for the loss of cross country skiing.

Happy New Year everybody and I hope to see you all (Dutch, English) some time this year.