Friday, September 28, 2007

C goes to Torey and the Angel of Death moves out???

C is down in Torey with the fabulous biker boys as I'm writing this and the cellphone reception down there is spotty at best so I'm a free agent until Sunday. Just me and the moggy and she knows he's gone 'cos she's sitting on the dining table - naughty kitty!

As we are all wired I've been using e-cards this year it makes more sense and postage is really expensive now, when they upped the local postage they almost doubled the overseas one. Christmas is going to be pricey:-( but I digress. These e-cards have worked really well until this last one. My godmother's birthday - she can't see her card just an error message. Sorry Auntie D!

Oh yes M while I remember, just because we are both going to be in UK at the same time doesn't mean we can meet up. I know geography was never your strong suit - but we'll be up North with C's parents and you will be down South with yours and R's. C's parents are paying to fly us over and we will be spending our Xmas with them.

This is weird, yesterday there was a small moving van outside the AOD's place (aka mormon barbie) I know this because it kept parking across the end of our drive. I just assumed that her girlfriend?? is moving in but this morning there is a dirty great moving van out there and no sign of her and the kids. Now they could be moving stuff in but that house isn't anywhere near big enough for all that stuff, so logically they're moving stuff out. Of course it could be wishful thinking on my part but you never know:-)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

30th Birthday Mayhem and a couple of live ones

Yesterday was TKE's 30th and it was busier than Christmas! 6 hours went by in a snap the terminal by the door failed twice - and twice we got it back. I met Diane Ackerman - I didn't know she was in the back office I wish I could've heard her read but I along with K and B was working my tail off! It was really good evening though.

I love our cat I really do but this morning she is really pushing it. She has brought in two live birds - the first one she took downstairs - crafty little cow knocked at the flap without the bird in her mouth and brought it in when I opened the back door. That one was in shock so it was really easy to put outside. I locked Dory in until it flew off. The second one she didn't take downstairs but straight into her kitty tunnel that one was much more lively and started flying around the room, leaving feathers and sh*t everywhere. C tells me we won't get any sleep tonight if I keep her in so she's out again but if she brings in another live one - he will be clearing up after it.

Oh and J and F hope you have a lovely wedding day we won't forget your anniversary 'cos it's the same day as ours! We gave up with the copper lark - who thinks these things up. Seven years is copper/wool and or a desk set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

These are all the pics

Anniversary in Vegas

Early Anniversary but we did have a lot of fun in three days:-)

I thought the Red Rock was a bit choice when we were there for M and R's wedding but actually staying there is fab. It's more of a resort than a casino, in fact the blurb says it's a Resort, Spa and Casino and because it is off-off strip you don't get the hen and stag parties like you would at say the Luxor. We spent the afternoons around the pool, I'm going to try and attach a dodgy cell phone photo - it's blurry but that's OK - of me in our poolside cabana. I didn't do so well on the gambling front this time so I'm on a serious budget until the end of the month. There were a couple of wobbles, like the fire alarm going off on the first morning and C demagnetizing the card key with us just in swimming cozys I bet the people at the front desk had a laugh at his expense. But the highlights - a $50 dollar a day cabana for nothing courtesy of Greg the bartender and an unforgettable bass guitar wake up call from the penthouse suite (19 - we were on 18) and this wasn't your brother's garage band it was pretty hot actually;-)

Then we got back home and down to earth with a bump - we spent most of Saturday buying replacement equipment our old sprinker timer and lights got fried when the power got turned back on. Big storm on Wednesday night knocked out the power to everything for about 7 hours.

Party on Sunday was really fun I love the fact I can leave C to it - he's not clingy - and just chat to everyone. It was great to just be able to talk. We were saying goodbye to M and V, and M who's gone off to be a teacher. I also got to have a little chat with S and T. S - you know who you are - we really miss you at the store!

Not so fun was the power going out again just before we went to bed. It came back on about 1am but C had had the bright idea of turning off the other circuits in the house leaving only the bedroom running. It was a good idea except that he had bedrooms 1 and 2 mislabelled and so the power came back on in the guest room!!

It's going to be a madhouse this afternoon but the time will just fly by. TKE's 30 - think Harry Potter and then multiply that by 10.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Taking a break

Early Anniversary C and I are off to the Red Rock tomorrow. But first funny story.

I had to plug the numbers for the health screening into this huge questionaire thingy on Saturday and you know me and those things. I always manage to get something wrong and this time.....

Everything was going fine until it asked for my vitals, I weighed myself and to my delight I've lost 10lbs but then I measured my height and that's when it all went to hell. I can't blame the tape measure - it was operator error. So the next screen said was I planning on gaining weight in the next 6 months. I was so annoyed that I printed the screen so C could see and at the end my score was 93 - low risk but it kept banging on about weight management. It said I was under weight! But then it would because instead of 5 ft 8 I put 6 ft 4 (like I said operator error!) So next year when I've gone from 6.4 to 5.8 the damn thing'll tell me I have osteoporosis!

I never was that great at measuring stuff it seems I haven't improved with age:-)