Vacation over!
C's parents arrived 2 weeks ago today. Unfortunately their luggage didn't - Chicago is turning into a godawful airport.
Said luggage arrived Monday afternoon and for the rest of the week we bummed around, doing not a whole hell of a lot but drinking lots of cups of tea.
Friday July 4 we had a whole bunch of people invited to come meet C's folks and watch the fireworks from our house. Most of those who we'd invited showed up - with one notable exception, but the ones that did show up had a good time. H dropped in briefly on her way to pick her hubbie up from the Airport. The fireworks didn't start until 10 but we had our own lot going in the street. Love the snaps - wish I'd had those in England. When they did start it was fantastic - the whole thing played out over our garage roof - full moon too which was pretty surreal.
Saturday C's B'day - his mum and dad had bought him a hammock - and the stand when we realised our trees aren't close enough together! I got him a couple of DVD's and a think geek shirt. He had loads of cards and was a very happy bunny.
Sunday - off to Las Vegas (yippee!) C and A where the lucky ones (A won $500 on Keno - she thought she'd won $60 her face was a picture when the guy behind the counter told her how much - she couldn't believe it!) I broke even playing BlackJack. F won a bit but gave back a heck of a lot more. We went to see the Blue Man Group again (our second time, A & F's first) just as good as last time. We ate in the wonderful Chinese Restaurant at the Luxor and made our annual trip to Paris for lunch - only this year they aren't taking amended orders - what you see is what you get. So the Americans who wanted the cheese and ham sandwich but with american bread and cheese and fake ham were out of luck. God - living here you begin to forget what real food tastes like.
Back to SLC on Thursday - vegged on Friday - took C's parents to airport Saturday. They are still in US but in a much cooler part, then they fly to Canada - lucky buggers.