Saturday, June 28, 2003

God I haven't had time to post for 2 Weeks!! How time flies when you are up to your eyes in work.

Yes work, mainly field trips but there have been the odd "take this protocol and work out from it what you are supposed to do" as not all the info is there - it can be a bit of a problem - especially if there is no-one else around who's done it before.

The other reason we have been so busy (sorry guys!!) is that tomorrow C's parents will be arriving from UK for about a fortnight. We are fitting in a trip to LV and then they will go on to Vancouver via Seattle. We've been tarting up the knob room (those of you who've been to Cassa de L will know what that means - those of you who haven 't get your minds out of the gutter!!) to be the main guest bedroom.

C has gone to Lowes to give back our "wonderful" flat hose - which has split. Don't believe the hype people - the fire service wouldn't touch these things - they get a zero rating on E-pinions.

Am so looking forward to this vacation - need a change of scenery. Will be blogging again in another 2 weeks or so.

Monday, June 16, 2003

That was a fun weekend. We went to our first meeting of the BMW club - not like clubs in UK ie cliquey, veeeery laid back and we met a lot of interesting people. The meeting broke up about 10ish and we took the bike over to the beamer garage ( I've destroyed my last set of earplugs) We almost came away with a $400 helmet but sanity prevailed, plus the small problem that C's head is too big to fit most helmets (in a nice way of course!)

Anyhoo, after we got back from lunch and stuff there was a message on our machine - did we want to go over to a couple that we met at the meeting - some mutual friends of ours would be there - we went and it was a fun evening - good food and interesting conversation.

Sunday was a fountain hunt - we traipsed around for over 3 hours up and down the valley and couldn't find a damn thing. In the end I sent C off to BBB (which is 5 minutes drive away) where he found just what we were looking for. (!!!!!!!!!) Oh and I am no longer late (test was right, I was wrong).

This morning has been housework (boring!) and making arrangements for the rest of the week - Tuesday now being my only completely free day. I was down here researching 3M window film (the front windows get such a scorching first thing that unless you close the blinds the room heats up way too fast) and as I'm here thought I'd do a Monday post for a change.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Guess what - it's Friday!! And what a week it's been, full of unexpected trips (C), injuries (me) and chaos.

The week in brief, Monday, I took the test (IQ and Preg) IQ was 124, other was negative.

Tuesday, Fieldtrip, did some scrambling and scoped out another population complete with FS guide. C Announces that the firm want him to go to New Mexico - tomorrow!!

Wednesday took C to airport - was planning on vegging for the rest of the day - J called did I want to help her out with data collection - now I haven't made up my hours this week so I jumped at it. Going up was fine - coming down I slipped and landed on my right hand - spraining a finger.

Thursday went out really early and checked I could still drive - I can. Went to see my student whose basement had flooded and she was pretty upset - poor thing - I did what I could but - well what do you say to someone in that situation - rarely for me I was speechless. About 10 last night we had a power cut so I used our non-electric phone to let the power company know and it was back on in about 30 minutes.

Today we (H & I) went for a hike up Donut Falls - very pretty but far too many people swarming all over it. My finger is getting better now. In about half an hour I have to go and pick C up from the airport - so am monitoring his flight on flight-tracker. Oh and I am still late......

Friday, June 06, 2003

Welcome to this edition of the Friday blog!!

I'm so busy/tired at the moment that I keep forgetting to blog.

So where were we?

Oh yes, Italian Job is a very good film - nothing like the original but fun none the less.

Monday I went collecting seeds that look like Dandelions but aren't. We got a whole bunch of them and sent them off to Kew (Or Wakehurst Place as we know it.)

I'm getting pretty brave not only did I use the freeway but I drove down to Home Depot on my own (OK I know that sounds like a v small thing but trust me, direction was never my strong suit and just getting there and back without getting lost was a flaming miracle)

This morning I've been raptor watching out at Vernon with H. We checked a whole bunch of nests and I saw a pair of Swainson's Hawks for the first time - incredible! They soar on the air currents for hours, I honestly could've watched them all day. I took C's binoculars so we wouldn't have to keep handing T's over.

Feeling pretty sleepy but must remember to eat something. This weekend I am going to buy a bike jacket like C's (well not exactly like C's don't want to look like Harold and Hilda!!) I mean with the mesh stuff and the armour - my old jacket was far too hot at the weekend, whenever we stopped for a traffic light I nearly roasted - C kept complaining he was cold - cheeky git.