I ought to re-name this "The Friday Blog" - a few things of note happened this week. C nearly fried himself to a crisp over the weekend. A) cos he was in a hurry and B) cos he wasn't looking what he was doing.
We needed a ceiling fan in the living room and the only way to get it in was to drill a hole in the ceiling from the loft ( or attic as some people call it) I had visions of Frank Spencer crashing throught the ceiling in Some Mothers Do Ave Em but C managed to keep himself in the loft. What he didn't do was turn off the breaker to the whole house so the residual charge that was left in the cable sparked when he cut through it with pliers. Luckily he was standing on a wooden joist wearing rubber soled shoes so the current didn't try and earth through him. He did however blow the airconditioning breakers - but fixed that the next day. That was a hot night in more ways than one.
The rest of the week was pretty tame in comparison. We went to see the Matrix - presented in muffled mono rather than surround sound - good but I preferred the first one. I also didn't care for the bunch of pricks talking behind us either - hubbie turned around and told them to belt up or go outside - I could've kissed him!
Went hiking today, it's much cooler in the mountains and finally I got to talk to my friend in Holland on ICQ we had a lot of catching up to do.
This weekend should be fun - we've got a friend we haven't seen for months coming to stay and we're going to see the Italian Job tonight - the original has a lot to answer for, it started my love affair with Minis - I wanted a Mini Cooper and my parents (wisely) wouldn't let me have one. I did own a brand new Mini City for a while and I wouldn't mind buying a new one over here. I just hope that this film isn't a straight remake. "You're only sposed to blow the bloody doors off!"